PRowl Communications | Niagara Marketing Consultant

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Convert Qualified Leads to Sales with Marketing Automation

lead conversion revenue increase diagram

With your goals, objectives, strategy and marketing materials clearly defined and in place, the focus must be in conversion. Converting your qualified leads to sales requires aligning your marketing and sales through a refined process for nurturing, follow-up and asking for the sale. 

| Zoho | Monday | Keap & Infusionsoft | ClickFunnels | & Others | Vbout | SharpSpring |

Where We Start

At this point we guide you through ensuring your marketing and sales teams are aligned, we are automating the information being sent to the qualified leads being generated, as well as the notifications to your sales team for follow-up. A set process is put in place for each campaign, product and service. There is no guess work involved.

Making It Happen

Automating your sales and marketing as we mentioned starts with clear goals, marketing campaigns and now, building out the sales nurturing and ask process. Because you have well-defined goals, outstanding marketing material, the leads are coming in strong. Your sales team needs to know this is happening, know how to handle each lead, when to follow-up and what the next steps are to get that sale.  Every sales person has their own way of selling, that being said - there is always a process.

Consider this:

  • What happens when someone emails your company for information?
  • What happens when a potential customer completes a download on your website?
  • What happens when the phone rings?
  • What happens when someone sends a message on facebook or other social sites?
  • Is there a specific process followed for each scenario above?
  • Are leads lost for lack of follow-up or slow response?
  • If your sales team doesn't get the sale on the first point of contact, do they drop the ball?
Marketing automation will keep your sales team informed, productive and increase their performance through less time spent reinventing the wheel, more time spent actually selling.

We're looking forward to starting a conversation with you!

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What Our Clients are Saying!

  • Debi has a depth of knowledge, beyond the average provider for all the work she does. Debi cares about her clients, their projects and wants the best results for them. Her skills as a graphic artists and a wonderful foundation for her skills as a marketing expert -- well rounded knowledge of social media, marketing, sales and website design make her a perfect partner for your business growth. She is honest and honorable, caring and kind and worth two times the money you pay her. I recommend her frequently and wouldn't hesitate to tell you "go for it" you won't be disappointed".
    ~Christine Rae, CSP International™ Staging Business Training Academy

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