Prowl Communications | Niagara Marketing Consultant

PROWL COMMUNICATIONS | We Take the Headache Out of Your Marketing. AUTOMATICALLY!


SEO RT 500

Congratulations in taking the first step to better SEO for your website with the SEO RT500 keyword/phrase ranking tracker. 

SEO RT500 tracks 500 keywords and/or phrases for their rankings on the web. 

Upon receipt of payment you will receive a download with a handy spreadsheet for uploading the keywords and phrases you wish to track. NOTE: The file you receive will not work from a tablet or phone as it is zipped.  

Complete the spreadsheet and return it to us at 

We will upload your requested keywords and phrases to our system and generate your report within 24 hours of receiving your spreadsheet. You will receive a weekly report thereafter with changes in rankings for your keywords and phrases. 

There is no contract. Cancel with 15 days notice.




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How to Automate Your Business and Reclaim 10 Hours a Week

When you’re running your own business, time is your most valuable resource. But let’s be honest, how much of your day is spent on repetitive tasks like sending invoices, scheduling appointments, or following up with clients? If you’re nodding your head right now, it’s time to talk about automation.

What Our Clients are Saying!

  • “Could just be luck, but I installed SalesIQ last night. Perhaps 5 minutes after it was up and running, someone asked a question in the chat. I answered, a conversation ensued, and I got a sale 😊 The next day, I responded to an inquiry made over SalesIQ while I was offline. That person visited our website within minutes of my response. A third person purchased from us, then used the SalesIQ chat to ask me after-sale question that led to more business. With this level of activity over the first three days, SalesIQ has been a good investment, so far. I look forward to future SalesIQ successes!”
    ~ Mark Kawabe, Kaatsu Canada

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