Prowl Communicator Marketing Newsletter Archives
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Improve website tracking and Google search ranking with this step-by-step DIY SEO tool.
MarketGoo is an easy-to-use SEO tool created for businesses just like you. MarketGoo will automatically scan your website and generate a step-by-step SEO plan to help you increase website traffic and search rankings. Understand the SEO actions you need to carry out to generate more business—without the need for technical expertise or a dedicated marketing staff!
Improving your site’s SEO means more visitors, higher rankings, and getting found by the right people.
Personalized Tasks and Recommendations
Daily site scans and an SEO plan full of tasks and recommendations – specifically for you.
Step-by-Step instructions, in plan English.
Step-by-Step guide to put your SEO plan into action – without the need for experts.
Your site is checked in real-time to verify you’ve successfully completed your tasks.
We recommend you dedicate time to your SEO at least on a weekly basis. It takes some time at first to get acquainted with certain concepts but it is doable and our tool was created for users who are not tech savvy.
We stand out by continuously updating our recommendations to keep up with Google and other search engines’ guidelines, providing simple explanations of SEO concepts, and giving you dedicated customer support from real SEO experts.
Time to see results varies for everyone but is related to the amount of time you put into fixing and optimizing your website. We've seen traffic increase results for our users in less than a month, but the most common scenario is results within a timeframe of 6 months. SEO is sometimes a bit of a waiting game, but delivers incredible results in the long term.
We will get your account started, then we will ask you a few questions about your site in order to better tailor your SEO plan. You'll go through 2 simple steps:
Step 1: Understand your Site's SEO issues - Your site is scanned for the first time and takes you to your Dashboard, where you'll see a score and Insights on metrics regarding your traffic, technical SEO issues, other open issues, and rankings for your chosen keywords and competitors.
Step 2: Start Fixing Your SEO issues and Improving your Rankings and Traffic! These results and Insights act as your tailored SEO plan, from where you'll get easy, step-by-step instructions on how to fix any issues, and improve upon other parts of your site which will help your SEO.
Your website is scanned daily and you can check immediately to see if a change you've made has been implemented correctly on your site or not!
Not sure, you're ready for the tool yet?
Request your website report -- this will give you an idea of where your website could use improvement:
Case Study 1: Agriculture
Case Study 2: Sports
Case Study 3: Real Estate
PRowl Communications has a variety of tools available. By purchasing from us, you become a valued member of our community with additional support and marketing knowledge offered as requested. Price below is in Canadian $s.
No contract, cancel anytime, but we remind you SEO is an on-going process. It is not a one-time fix.
Welcome to the Prowl Communicator Archives, our weekly newsletter filled with marketing resources, info, tips & know-how. Check often, or better yet, SUBSCRIBE & get it in your inbox.
For businesses like manufacturers, distributors, and other organizations with complex sales cycles, aligning sales and marketing can create significant results.
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