Prowl Communications | Niagara Marketing Consultant

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Marketing Matters For CSP® Stagers - October 10th Issue

Happy Thanksgiving to those in Canada
Staging Marketing Matters

Moving Forward with Your Staging Business

Hi Debi

Wow - here we are in October already. For those in Canada, we're celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend, and then all the fun of Halloween to look forward to. So while you're relaxing this weekend, take the time to check out the CSP International™ Marketing Portal brought to you by yours truly -- there is a wealth of information inside.

If you haven't visited recently, we have updated the landing page for ease of login to the right area. We have also added a page called 'What's New' -- here you will find the new editions to the website along with a listing of what you will find on each page. Hopefully this will help you navigate through the site easier and find what you are looking for.

I hope this information is helpful...

Reach out if you have any questions.
Or book a complimentary 1-hour marketing consultation.


For CCSP®s

A few designs in various sizes are available for the Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend.

Get The Images Here:

Remember - you will have to login to gain access. If you do not have a username & password, request access here.

CCSP Thanksgiving

An Alternative to DocuSign

Zoho Sign is a digital signature solution that is a part of Zoho's powerful business suite consisting 40+ applications and trusted by 40 million users across the globe. It enables businesses of all sizes to digitally sign and verify legally binding documents. Here is the how-to video for it.

Pricing: 5 documents/month $0 25 Documents/month $12 U.S./mo Unlimited $18/mo

CSP Marketing Welcome

Request Access

If you have been using the generic login for our CSP® Marketing Portal, please REQUEST YOUR UNIQUE User Name and Password today. The generic login no longer works.

Request ACCESS
To stage or not to stage

New Website Builder

Yes, free. No commitment. No tricks. You can create and publish your website—even build an online store. And it’s all free.

  • Mobile-responsive website
  • SSL security
  • Online store setup
  • 24/7 chat and email support

Upgrade to a paid plan for additional features.

Create Your Free Site

Customer Relationship Management

Stop thinking of your CRM as a database and start thinking of it as your core business relationships. After all CRM is an ancronym for Customer Relationship Management.

Read more


Keap: Smart Client Management Software

Keap organizes your customer information & daily work in one place, freeing you up from repetitive tasks so you have more time to focus on delivering consistently great service, with less stress.

Keap centralizes all your data. You deliver great service.

Have You Signed Up for CSP Elite yet?


Login to the CSP International™ Resource Centre to get it!

Upcoming Courses

October 10. 2019 : So, You Want to Start a Home Staging Business
October 17, 2019 | 10:00 AM EST CSP Preferred Partnership Launch:
Tembo Financial - CSP ONLY
October 22, 2019 CSP® 3 Day Course - Purchase CollegePurchase, NY
October 23, 2019 CSP® 3 Day Course Victoria, BC Diane Hame
October 29, 2019 CSP® 3 Day Course Mississauga, ON Christine Rae

Ask Debi...

New Feature: This issue, I'm introducing 'Ask Debi'.. As Stagers, your love is staging, not necessarily the day-to-day management of your business, particularly marketing. I can tell you this -- you're not alone... For this reason, I thought one way I can help is to open up a question area to help you with your marketing..

How It Works:

1. Simply click the button below and Ask your question...

2. I will get back to you directly within 1-2 business days.

3. The answers will then be posted on page just for these answers so all can get the answers - the page will be called Marketing Matters - watch for it once the first questions come in and answers are written...

What is Your Marketing Question?

Profile Image Debi Katsmar
CEO, Marketing Strategist
1 (905) 734-8273 - Work | (905) 321-5097 - Mobile
prowl logo


PRowl Communications Debi Katsmar | PRowl Communications 27 Sparrow Drive Welland, Ontario L3C 0A6 Canada (905) 734-8273

CSP® Marketing Resources Login

CSP® Login

Marketing Resources
for CSP International™
Certified Staging Professionals® 

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When you’re running your own business, time is your most valuable resource. But let’s be honest, how much of your day is spent on repetitive tasks like sending invoices, scheduling appointments, or following up with clients? If you’re nodding your head right now, it’s time to talk about automation.

What Our Clients are Saying!

  • Debi is a pleasure to work with! Full of knowledge and very patient. She explained things in an easy to understand format, and I am in love with my new website!
    Kelly Sauriol

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