PRowl Communications - Niagara Marketing Agency

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Email Marketing Campaign Audit

An analysis of your email marketing campaigns to give you the insight you need to get better open rates, click throughs and actions from your subscribers.

frustrated business owner - email opens low

You've Tried Everything Right? 

... and still your email open rates are low, and your click through rates lower. 

What Can You Do to Increase Open Rates and Click Throughs?

One of the first things is to make sure your emails are making it into your subscriber's inbox and not into their junk/spam folders.  That's not as easy as it used to be....

Here are a few tips to help: 

  1. Ensure you follow the rules set out in the Can-Spam Act in the United States and CASL in Canada. There are specific items you must have: identifiable from name/address, physical address, an unsubscribe button/link and permission to send -- this is overly simplified, read the spam legislations to be sure.
  2. Make sure your subject lines are not deceptive - even something as simple as sticking RE: or FWD: in your subject line can mark your email as deceptive
  3. Avoid 'spam' trigger words  -- winner, free, complimentary, guarantee, risk-free, special, offer, bonus, even amazing makes the list...
  4. Ensure there is more text than images in your campaign. Yes a picture is worth 1000 words, but it can't say everything you need to say - not only that -- many people do not have images set to automatically download on their smartphones - thus they may not see your image, but they will be able to see the text... 
  5. Avoid sending from email addresses such as noreply@ try support@ newsletter@ if you are not using your personal email - which should be based on your domain, ie., not or hotmail or live.
  6. Segment your lists - do you really need to send your campaign to everyone in your list when only a percentage will be interested in the information being provided.
  7. Stay regular with your messages. If you send a campaigns 4 times / year, your subscribers may forget about you - once a month is an absolute minimum, I prefer weekly - but that is a big ask when you get busy with your business -- even I fail at this one... Although I try!
  8. Ask your recipients to add your email to their contacts - this works wonders!

Search through our blog for helpful ideas, starting with this post 'When Junk Email Isn't Junk

and if you still don't see changes in your results, consider having us do an

Email Marketing Campaign Audit 

As Certified Email Marketing Specialist™ we will Analyze 3 campaigns to the same list, looking at:

  • How effective your subject line is
  • The quality of your content
  • The quality of the links provided for the click throughs
  • The look, feel and ease of use
  • The overall open rates
  • The overall click through rates
  • When your subscribers open and how often
  • When your subscribers click through, what to and how often
  • Unique opens vs all opens if your system has that capability 
  • Rate of unsubscribes, reports of spam

We will then generate a report with:

  • The results of our findings for each point above, what we see and what it means
  • Suggestions to implement for improvement
  • Guidelines to follow based on your industry
  • Ideas to implement in future campaigns 

More than an analysis - in essence you will receive a

Fee is based on number of email addresses in the campaign. For higher numbers, contact us. 

Price per List Size

Debi Katsmar is a Certified Email Marketing Specialist™ and Certified Constant Contact Solution Provider. She works with a variety of email marketing systems and has for the past 13+ years. She is an award winning email marketer, author, speaker and strategist for more thirty years. 

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