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Come on people. LinkedIn is not Facebook

Posted in Just 4 Me, Social Media Know-How

Come on people. LinkedIn is not Facebook

There is a purpose for each social media site. LinkedIn is not used like facebook, nor is twitter. 

Rant time... 

For the fifth time in a few weeks, some one has found it necessary to send a message to me and a slew of other people - all in the same message. REALLY!

Are you that lazy that you cannot take the time to personalize the message you are sending to me? 

If you have information I might be interested in, by all means - send it to me. But send it to just me, not all of your contacts at the same time. I value my time and I value the messages from those people who take the time to personally write to me. I read the information and respond. 

Do you know that when you include a multitude of people in an email message on LinkedIn, each person is notified every time someone replies?
I don't want to read threads that include 'how did I get in this message'. Or responses that are personal in nature because not everyone realizes their answer could be visible to the entire list of people the message was originally sent to. 

To me, LinkedIn is a valuable resource of information and connections. I use it to:

  • learn, 
  • connect, 
  • grow my business, and the 
  • business of my clients.

I do not want garbage in my inbox! 

On Facebook I expect nonsense being messaged to me. I expect that I will end up in a group chat, or a group that I didn't necessarily want to join. 

What's the difference? 

LinkedIn is a Professional Network!

Facebook is for everyone! While many use it for business (as I do), many more use it for a means of communication, keeping up with what friends are doing, playing games, finding out what's happening locally, a source of entertainment, and of course sharing 'what we had for dinner'.  This is not what I expect on LinkedIn. 

I expect a professional conversation, great information and the ability to help others in business by sharing knowledge. 

Oh - and if you don't have a profile pic, or I can't see a valid reason why you would want to connect with me, I probably won't connect! 


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