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Quarterly Reboot in Business

Posted in Marketing Plan, General Business Info

The quarterly reboot in business is a thing! You know and I know it. Now, what to do about it...

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Reboot Your Business

The quarterly reboot is a thing. I know it, you know it, but why does it happen? 

It happens because your business gets in the way of your plans. 


It is true, your business gets in the the way of your plans! Every December, March, June and September (end of the quarter), we stop and realize all the hard work we put in determining our goals for the year and each quarter didn't work. It's now coming up to the end of the quarter and suddenly it's too late to do what is needed to make our goals happen. 

So, we REBOOT! 

You're not alone. It happens to many! The reason -- we get distracted by the day to day operations of our business. We lose sight of the plan we worked so hard to create. Your plan was probably awesome. You put your goals in place for what you would like to achieve throughout the year and each quarter. You probably even outlined what you needed to do to reach those goals. Where most people fail in the planning process is they neglect to outline the specific steps and timelines required to achieve the goals in that outline. And suddenly the end of the quarter is upon is and nothing has been accomplished. 

Out of site. Out of Mind. 

The second big reason for the plan failing: Sure you created this great document, with your plans and goals. When it was finished, you probably printed it, reread and set aside -- never to be looked at again until the first quarter is upon you and -- oh oh, what happened to my plan?  

If you are like most people, you need a visual reminder.. A big white board with those goals. A big calendar with timelines of what and when to achieve certain tasks to ensure you reach your goals. You need this in a place you can see it each and every day as a reminder. It serves as a trigger to keep you motivated and moving forward toward your goals. Without the daily visual reminder your goals and dreams are out of site and out of mind.. 

I work with many small businesses, and many are solopreneurs with home offices. There is no board room, meeting room or control centre for these giant white boards and calendars. So here are a few ideas to help keep you on track, visualizing your goals and reminding yourself of the steps needed to attain them.  

7 Tips to Visualizing and Achieving Your Goals. 

  1. Add your timeline of actionables directly into your online calendar. (if you're old school using a daytimer - write it in your calendar. If you use both a written and online calendar, add it both places)
  2. Set reminders for the actionables 2 weeks, 1 week, 3 days out... 
  3. Hand write or create a document with your 4 major goals for each quarter typed or written in large print, one per page. Print and post in your office where you can see them each day.  If space is at a minimum - post at least this quarter's goal. 
  4. Create a checklist with the action steps for each major goal. 
  5. Post the checklist where you can see it daily. Don't forget to check off the tasks as you have completed them. We all work by accomplishment! 
  6. If you create a daily to do list -- add one small item to your to do list per day. Even if it is simply a reminder to review your plan. By breaking down large projects into smaller actionables the task is not as daunting, resulting in accomplishments. 
  7. Celebrate when you hit a milestone! 

Yes, I know -- these are pretty basic. But guess what? They work... 

Before you know it, you will be making progress. You will be realizing your goals. Your business will be doing better. And that quarterly reboot -- it will also be less work as you will not be starting over each time! 

If you still need help, we're here to take the headache out of your marketing. Ask about the Monthly Action Step Program...

You can also download our 'Thinking Ahead Yearly Plan' it is a great visual once completed. 

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