Prowl Communications | Niagara Marketing Consultant

PROWL COMMUNICATIONS | We Take the Headache Out of Your Marketing. AUTOMATICALLY!

Build Your Marketing Toolkit

Build Your Marketing Toolkit - A framework for small businesses and organizations

Many small businesses and organizations find themselves seeking the right strategies to make their marketing efforts as effective as possible.

But with so many different marketing activities that they could focus on, they often miss some of the important marketing concepts that will help them understand why those activities are so important. This presentation is designed to uncover some of those core concepts and show that a little bit of marketing knowledge can go a long way.

Attendees of this presentation will learn:

  • What marketing really is (and isn't).
  • How marketing has changed in ways that benefit small businesses.
  • The importance of setting goals and objectives for your marketing efforts.
  • The 4 Pillars or Marketing Success a framework that shows how different marketing activities all fit together, and will help small businesses reflect on their own marketing program.
  • It's ok to start small, to start where you already are. Join us and start to build a foundation marketing knowledge, from which you can build more and more effective campaigns to help your business or organization grow.
Intended Audience: The content is targeted at the beginner- to comfortable small-business marketer who is looking to build their

marketing knowledge, or to reinforce what it is they already know.

- Approximately 1 hour

Constant Contact Authorized Local Expert


NOTE: All topics (except for the product training) are educational and will not directly promote Constant Contact products. Information discussed in these sessions can be applied regardless of the marketing tools being used.

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For businesses like manufacturers, distributors, and other organizations with complex sales cycles, aligning sales and marketing can create significant results.

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