Prowl Communications | Niagara Marketing Consultant

PROWL COMMUNICATIONS | We Take the Headache Out of Your Marketing. AUTOMATICALLY!

Grow Your Business With Email & Social Marketing Workshop

A simple marketing strategy for small business & nonprofits. 

Duration: 1-2 hours

Many small businesses and organizations find themselves seeking the right strategies, tools and tactics to make their marketing efforts as effective as possible. But between Facebook and Twitter, email and mobile, deals, and whatever new social network is rolling out that month—there’s a lot to keep up with. And there are only so many hours in each day. The number of possibilities can feel overwhelming.

This session will help make sense of the noise. We’re going to show you how to make the most of the combination of email and social media for your business. When the session is done you’ll have a greater understanding of marketing basics like goals and objectives.

You’ll learn what a “campaign” is and what to write about and offer in that campaign. You’ll be given some simple but powerful tips for how to get your messages opened and read, shared and socially visible. And you’ll see that there are some great tools you can use to help engage with your existing customers and supporters as well as expand your reach to new prospects.

Throughout the session you’ll be given opportunities to capture your own ideas and build out the framework of your own “next great campaign.” So join us and start to build a plan that will help you grow your business by eliciting the responses you want from your customers or supporters.

Workbook provided. 

Debi Katsmar of PRowl Communications is a Constant Contact Authorized Local Expert. Constant Contact presentations are geared to basic principals, applying to all marketing for small business, organizations and non-profits. A Constant Contact account is not required with the exception of the Getting Started with Constant Contact Toolkit series.

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How to Automate Your Business and Reclaim 10 Hours a Week

When you’re running your own business, time is your most valuable resource. But let’s be honest, how much of your day is spent on repetitive tasks like sending invoices, scheduling appointments, or following up with clients? If you’re nodding your head right now, it’s time to talk about automation.

What Our Clients are Saying!

  • I would also like to thank Debi Katsmar from the Ottawa Motorcycle Show for all her hard work and patience in helping those participating in the show deal with whatever issues came up. She remained a true lady of grace while making it happen. Debi you are a true lady of grace!
    ~ Beau Rooney, The Rider's Mag

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