RANT: Charging an Arm and a Leg for Marketing Services
Is there room for negotiation -- of course there is! But negotiating value for service vs asking for the world for nothing are two different things!
Is there room for negotiation -- of course there is! But negotiating value for service vs asking for the world for nothing are two different things!
I learned that Welland is one fine community! I learned, I love this community, the people, the businesses. I learned I want to stay involved.
For Canadian small businesses, the holidays can add particular stress on their ecommerce channels and shipment abilities
ConnectFest Niagara was the ultimate networking and learning event presented by Constant Contact and us here at PRowl Communications. This is my chair....
New research from Constant Contact finds Canadian consumers rate email as their number one method of staying in touch with businesses, but many small businesses are missing this valuable opportunity.
Curb Appeal Landscaping Inc., recently made the news in the St. Catharines Standard for being part of a project in Glenridge to put turf in the medians.
I was nominated for the Niagara Venture Award - an award geared to women who own their own business. The list of nominees were named -- and the winner is Gail Belchior of Financial Divorce Solutions!
We were extremely honoured to be nominated for this award. We have been working diligently over the past 25 years to build a relationship in the community, but more importantly -- to help business owners be successful.
Debi Katsmar, President of YDV Group, has been named a Certified Solution Provider by Constant Contact®, Inc., the trusted marketing advisor to more than 600,000 small organizations worldwide.
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