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What We Have To Say

A Website Is Essential To Your Digital Strategy

A Website Is Essential To Your Digital Strategy

Posted in Branding, Web Design

While social media can be an effective marketing tool, it's important to remember that it doesn't replace a good website. Find out why...

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Proofreading - UGH, How did I miss taht?

Proofreading - UGH, How did I miss taht?

Proofreading is one of the hardest things business owners struggle with - it doesn't seem to matter how many times something is read, it isn't until it is published, that spelling mistake becomes obvious - unlike the one mistake in the title of this post, which was done purposely. 

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Don’t Pick A Fight With Your Prospects

Don’t Pick A Fight With Your Prospects

Posted in General Business Info, Lead Generation, Networking

Learn what not to do when prospecting – a true story as it happened to me this week.

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YouTube Shorts - Attract & Grow Your Channel Fast

YouTube Shorts - Attract & Grow Your Channel Fast

By Debi Katsmar

Create video shorts and watch your channel grow - overnight! "YouTube Shorts have already surpassed 6.5 billion views daily globally", YouTube

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The Top Brand Naming Mistakes You Must Avoid

The Top Brand Naming Mistakes You Must Avoid

By Grant Polachek, Squadhelp

Posted in Branding, Guest Blogs, Marketing Plan

Most entrepreneurs looking to start their businesses often ignore the need to deliberate on a brand name. After all, they've got the big business idea they've been looking for, and that's all that matters, right? Well, not quite.

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Accurate Business Listings A Must

Accurate Business Listings A Must

Posted in SEO

Being found online is a necessity today with up to 87% of consumers starting their online searches online. Find out why business listings are a must below:

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DIY or Hire A Web Designer: Pros and Cons

DIY or Hire A Web Designer: Pros and Cons

Posted in Web Design

There are pros and cons to building your own website versus hiring a web designer, let’s explore them.

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One of our favourite marketing tools: SalesIQ

One of our favourite marketing tools: SalesIQ

By Debi Katsmar

Posted in Zoho

What if you could initiate a conversation with every visitor to your website? Interested? Learn more about Zoho SalesIQ, it is one of our favourite marketing tools.

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PRESS RELEASE: New Hire, New Services

PRESS RELEASE: New Hire, New Services

Posted in Press Releases

Welcome Mackenzie Katsmar as full-time Business Development Strategist, Photographer & Videographer.

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How to Do Conversational Marketing Right

How to Do Conversational Marketing Right

Conversational marketing encompasses all methods used to engage with the customers in a dialogue or conversation. This can include live chat, SMS messaging, and live video call on social media.

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Building relationships with Constant Contact

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