PRowl Communications | Sales & Marketing Resources

enhancing the search for YOUR perfect CUSTOMERS

What We Have To Say

Rock Your Website: Bring Music To Your Ears - Ka-Ching!

Rock Your Website: Bring Music To Your Ears - Ka-Ching!

Posted in CRM, Lead Generation, reputation management, Web Design

Whether you are building the website yourself, or handing it off to a local web designer, the information provided below will be a definite asset in creating content targeting your ideal customer, to generate leads and sales for your business. Your website is the hub of all of your marketing -- make sure it is built right from the start. 

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Ask Debi: Where Did The Birthday List Go On Facebook?

Ask Debi: Where Did The Birthday List Go On Facebook?

By Debi Katsmar

Posted in ask Debi, Marketing Matters, Social Media Know-How

Ask Debi: Q. Things have changed on Facebook again, I can no longer find the list of friends having birthdays today on my feed. Where did they go? ~Debbie B.

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The Art of Getting Referrals

The Art of Getting Referrals

Posted in CRM, Lead Generation, reputation management

The answer will always be no if you don't ask.  This holds true when looking for referrals from your clients. 

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The Small Business Week Challenge

The Small Business Week Challenge

Posted in Engagement Marketing, General Business Info, Events

The purpose of the small business month challenge is to: Celebrate you and your business. Celebrate your customers. Celebrate another business / business owner / team member who helped get you where you are today. Are you in?

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It Is Not Enough To Simply Post

It Is Not Enough To Simply Post

Posted in Social Media Know-How, Networking

Engagement in a facebook group will go further than simply posting about your business. 

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Announcement: We Are Now A Keap Certified Partner

Announcement: We Are Now A Keap Certified Partner

Posted in Email Marketing , Training, News, Marketing Automation, CRM

PRowl Communications is pleased to announce we are now a Keap Certified Partner. To kick it off, we are hosting a Small Business Assessment and Planning Framework Webinar.

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What I Learned as a 9-year-old: The Power of Positive Thinking

What I Learned as a 9-year-old: The Power of Positive Thinking

By Debi Katsmar

Posted in Blogs, Book Reviews

THINK POSITIVE - a favourite quote from the book "Think it's hard, you make it hard. Think it's easy, and it tends to become easy".

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3200 Google Algorithm Changes in One Year

3200 Google Algorithm Changes in One Year

By Debi Katsmar

Posted in Web Design, SEO

Google warned us for months. Business owners are just too busy to heed warnings in many cases especially when it comes to their website. Often reactions are based after the fact when suddenly their website is not performing as well as it was in the previous months. 

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NEW Services with the Addition of NEW Partner

NEW Services with the Addition of NEW Partner

Posted in News

Making it a family affair, Mackenzie Katsmar joins PRowl Communications as our Marketing Solutions Partner and Photographer.

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Ask Debi: Why Are Facebook Pages No Longer Auto Posting to Twitter

Ask Debi: Why Are Facebook Pages No Longer Auto Posting to Twitter

By Debi Katsmar

Posted in Social Media Know-How, Marketing Matters, ask Debi

Ask Debi: Q. For some reason my Facebook posts stopped posting to Twitter after April 27th. It looks like around the same time my other Page stopped going to Twitter as well. How do I link them? Get the answer.

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